Damascus in the spring of 2013. The Syrian soldier Husam is on a 24 hour leave from the front to visit his family. A lump sits in his throat, while he is having breakfast with his mother: He wants to tell her how he really feels, that he is afraid of death and wants to escape military service. But his mother insists on glorifying him as a hero, who fights for the honor of his country and family.

Writer and Director Ghiath Al Mhitawi
Cast Ahmad Kiki & Amal Omran
Director of Photography Laura Titze
Art Director Amer Okdeh
Editor Juliano Castro
Sound Design Moataz Al Qammari
Production Company Arkanum pictures
Producer Sebastian Herbst & Lukas Koll
Support Goethe Institute & Ettijahat Independent Culture Fund







Bio – Filmography

Ghiath Al Mhitawi is a filmmaker, playwright and dramaturge from Damascus. He holds a bachelor’s degree in theatre studies from the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts in Damascus, Syria. His theatre plays The Final Return and The Abyss were presented at the Royal Court Theatre (London) and Edinburgh International Festival. Since 2019 he is studying master in Screenwriting and Dramaturgy at the Babelsberg Film University KONRAD WOLF where he wrote and directed his short film Return. He is currently co writing in ZDF series Echt and many other film projects and series in Germany and the Arab world.